Call to form a powerful HR commission
KATHMANDU, MAR 28 – Civil society members and human rights activists have called on the CA members to form an autonomous and powerful human rights commission.

At a programme organised in the Capital on Wednesday, they urged the government to give quasi-judicial constitutional power to such a commission and called for amendment of contradictory and ambiguous provisions of the recently endorsed Human Rights Commission Act-2012.
The speakers requested lawmakers to establish a commission that can act as the umbrella organisation of human rights organisations and induct other commissions such as Women, Dalit, Muslim, Madhesi and Janajati. They recommended that such a commission should have rights to investigate, summon the culprit; gather proofs against crime and compensate the victims. “The existing National Human Rights Commission can only recommend the Office of Attroney General for further action. This provision only squeezes power,” said Ram Nagina Singh.
Chairperson of Constitutional Committee Nilambar Acharya said the CA would resolved the controversial issues through dialogues. He said the contradictory provisions would be amended incorporating suggestions of human rights activist, civil society and general public.
On the occasion, lawmakers Yamlal Kandel, Bhanu Bhakta Joshi and Govind Chaudary discussed the provisions enlisted in the proposed commission. They talked about difficulties and complexities lawmakers faced while making the draft of the commission and backed the proposed free, independent and powerful commission.
Other speakers including Subash Pakureyl, Bishal Khanal and Ramnagina Singh put forth their views and suggestion over the proposed commission.Ekantipur Report